grass foot, co2

The time value of carbon: Smart strategies to accelerate emission reductions

Learn how you can use smart strategies to accelerate efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

The Time Value of Carbon: Smart Strategies to Accelerate Emission Reductions examines how applying appropriate accounting practices can help accelerate greenhouse gas reduction efforts. This report draws on the latest accounting and decision-making practices to provide information and tools for reporting on near- and long-term climate impacts and mitigating risk.

Professional accountants can help organizations identify, quantify and articulate the benefits of early action to address near-term climate forcers (NTCFs), the short-lived greenhouse gases that significantly contribute to global warming. Accountants also recognize that action to reduce emissions today will have a greater impact than action delayed to the future.

This report will be of particular interest to accounting professionals and others involved in:

  • investment decisions for projects designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • providing guidance on the value of climate change mitigation reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and other sustainability issues

You will learn about:

  • the relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
  • the time value of carbon concept and its relevance to the accounting profession
  • why NTCFs are important and the benefits of early action to reduce them
  • how to quantify NTCF emissions
  • how to evaluate the economic benefits of reducing emissions
  • decision-making frameworks for investing in emission-reduction initiatives
  • cost-effective steps for reducing NTCFs at the international, national, municipal and organizational level
  • starting points for addressing NTCF emissions at the organizational level