Anti-money laundering resources

CPA Canada and CPA provincial and territorial bodies are collaborating in the fight against money laundering. We have resources on what CPAs need to know to comply and protect themselves, their clients, and their organizations.

Top view of a desk containing binders and an open laptop computer.
Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Guide

Changes to the AML/ATF requirements will impact CPAs engaged in activities covered by the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). Access our guide to ensure you are well-equipped to fulfill your potential obligations as required by the legislation and regulations. Download now

News you need to know

There's so much going on and it's all happening so fast—don’t get left behind. Stay informed and up to date on what is truly important in AML news and developments affecting CPAs.
Learning tools

As AML legislation and regulations evolve, stay ahead of the curve. Learn about new requirements, your obligations, and how to ensure you comply with them fully.
Evolving perspectives

Help combat money laundering by broadening your knowledge and understanding of AML, including beneficial ownership. Check out our informative collection of AML articles, policy and consultation submissions, and research reports.
Additional resources

See the latest updates and helpful AML resources from your provincial and territorial CPA bodies. You can also access information for accountants from the federal AML regulator and other international organizations.

Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing webinar

Money Laundering is a global issue. Watch this free webinar to learn about Canada’s Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (AMLTF) regime, recent activities and developments, and much more. Sign up now