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The human side of business resilience: Guideline and case study

CPAs are in a unique position to be trusted advisors in designing a more resilient future. Learn how to apply concepts and tactics to build organizational resilience from a leadership behavioural perspective.
The Human Side of Business Resilience - GuidelineDownload
The Human Side of Business Resilience - Case Study Download

Unless businesses build resiliency into their operations, they will not be able to navigate the next challenge or realize the potential of the next opportunity. They will fall behind agile, forward-looking competitors and risk reputational damage, financial hardship, and failure.

The role for CPAs

CPAs have the skills and competencies to review and revise corporate strategy, forecast different scenarios, identify risks, gaps, and opportunities, strengthen relationships with customers, and share their expertise to ensure their organizations are ready for whatever comes next.

Get practical guidance to lead business resilience initiatives

This guideline provides a non-linear process for CPAs to set a long-term vision and short-term focus, align purpose and values with organizational priorities, build internal capacity and risk management, create opportunities for cross-collaboration and problem-solving, and make trust, ethical behaviour, and accountability their brand.

Created for:

  • CPAs working in industry (i.e., strategic, operational, change management, management accounting, risk management, and performance management roles), at not-for-profits, and in the public sector
  • CPAs in leadership roles

Key objectives:

Develop your competencies as a CPA so that you can:

  • act as the hub within your organization to bring together cross-functional teams in developing organization-wide ESG strategies that:
    • support existing business strategy
    • link with key financial and operational performance objectives
  • integrate ESG factors into:
    • existing business strategies
    • forecasting different scenarios
    • identify risks and decision-making
    • strengthening relationships
    • and more
  • provide subject matter strategic, risk, financial, and performance-related expertise to support the development of organization-wide resilience strategies and tactics that will ensure long-term performance and sustainability