Business person using technology with business documents, with various business graphs and information ghosted over visual

CPA Canada supports the ISED consultation on digital and data transformation

CPA Canada supports the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) consultation on digital and data transformation. Learn about the work CPA Canada is doing in the technology and innovation space.

We support the national consultation on digital and data transformation to better understand how Canada can drive innovation, prepare Canadians for the future of work, and ensure they have trust and confidence in how their data is used. We feel this initiative is urgent given the exponential pace of technological innovation and disruption with related impacts on business operating models to which the accounting profession is not immune.

These topics are important for the Canadian accounting profession and the organizations we serve. We welcome the opportunity to partner with ISED on future national digital and data consultation roundtables leveraging our extensive networks, expertise, research and thought leadership in these areas.

We invite our members to participate in the online consultation and make your opinions heard.

For more information, please contact Michael Wong, principal, Research, Guidance and Support.