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Board oversight of not-for-profit collaboration: Questions for directors to ask

Download this practical guide to help you oversee your organization’s collaborative pursuits and ensure your organization’s mission advances with efficiency and effectiveness.

Not-for-profit organizations have a long history of weaving alliances, and are adept at engaging multiple stakeholders. Recently, collaborative initiatives in the sector have been rising in both number and importance. With a widening variety of options available, boards of not-for-profit organizations have an important role to play in steering their organizations toward the right collaborations and overseeing their effective execution.

CPA Canada is pleased to have collaborated with Ignite NPS to offer this practical guide to help you, in your role as a director, oversee your organization’s collaborative pursuits and ensure your organization’s mission advances with efficiency and effectiveness.

You will learn about:

  • the benefits of collaboration
  • the board's role in the collaboration
  • how to assess opportunities
  • enabling effective collaboration
  • overseeing risk
  • monitoring and improving a collaboration's results

This publication is reviewed annually for relevance and accuracy.