CRA updates its guidance on transitional administrative relief for the GST/HST digital economy measures

The CRA recently updated Excise and GST/HST News – No. 110 to provide clarification and further details on the process for requesting administrative relief on the new GST/HST digital economy measures.

The CRA recently updated Excise and GST/HST News – No. 110 to provide clarification and further details on the process for requesting administrative relief on the new GST/HST digital economy measures. In the update, the CRA provides that the following information should be included in the request to ensure a timely response:

  • the activities of the affected business or operator, along with estimated annual sales figures in Canada and the GST/HST normally collected
  • the issues encountered by the affected business or operator
  • the steps to be taken to resolve those issues and their anticipated completion dates
  • any extenuating circumstances that may prevent the business or operator from being compliant with the new GST/HST measures before a specified date