Cheryl Wenezenki-Yolland

Cheryl Wenezenki-Yolland


Cheryl is a Chartered Professional Accountant with an extensive career in public service, spanning more than 30 years. Her collective experience is diverse and includes a mix of government operations, crown agencies, regulatory agencies and not-for-profit organizations, covering areas such as finance, information management, human resources, shared corporate services, transportation, environment, health and education.

Cheryl has more than 15 years of senior leadership experience, which has included roles as the deputy minister of advanced education, the associate deputy minister of finance and of environment, the comptroller general of British Columbia, assistant deputy minister, executive financial officer and chief financial officer with the Province of British Columbia.

Cheryl was appointed British Columbia’s first chief records officer in 2015 to lead a significant cross-government effort to improve the management of government information, developing a strategy addressing the digitization of government records, appropriate protection of personal privacy and improving the timeliness and accessibility of government information.

Cheryl was the first woman appointed as British Columbia’s comptroller general, a role she held from 2006 to 2010. During that time, British Columbia made significant advances in promoting the value of supporting strong financial capacity in the public sector, establishing a vision built on service value. Cheryl was instrumental in facilitating and supporting constructive discussions between senior governments and the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) at a time of significant challenge. As a member of the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board Conceptual Framework Taskforce, Cheryl continues to work at the national level to effect strong public sector accounting and reporting standards, contributing practical perspective on the important contribution independent standards make in supporting accountability and transparency for all public sector organizations.