David Malamed, CPA, CA

David Malamed


David is a court qualified forensic accounting and fraud investigation expert specializing in fraud investigations and underlying damage quantification. He has investigated, managed and reported on countless fraud allegations used in both civil and criminal court. David has been qualified numerous times in court as an expert in his field and provided testimony.

David conducts and manages investigations on behalf of corporations, law firms, individuals, governments, law enforcement agencies and other public sector organizations.

David’s experience includes acting for clients in multiple industries, including real estate and construction, retail manufacturing, health care, financial services, professional services, gaming, insurance, not-for-profit and all levels of government.

He has led countless fraud investigations involving not only civil but also criminal allegations resulting in several requests for professional courtroom representation. He works one on one with clients to help them establish and follow through with implementing all types of anti-fraud controls that will ultimately reduce the risk for clients.