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Ken Smith


Ken is a strategy and governance consultant and a corporate director.

As a strategy consultant, he has practised for over 25 years, beginning with McKinsey & Company and later with SECOR Consulting, Canada’s leading strategy boutique, where he was a managing partner and chair of the Board. He now practises independently on a part-time basis as a Certified Management Consultant (CMC). His client work and research interests have been focused on business and public policy issues related to industry restructuring and corporate development.

In governance, Ken is a director of, among others, ACCERTA, The Arthritis Society and the M&A Leadership Council (U.S.), chairing human resources and governance committees. He has been an advisor on matters of strategy and governance to corporate and crown boards, and is past chair of the Ontario Chapter of the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD).

Ken has also written extensively on strategy, M&A and governance, including articles for Harvard Business Review, the ICD’s Director, the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)’s Directorship and his book The Art of M&A Strategy, written with Alexandra Lajoux for McGraw-Hill, New York. He is an accredited director with the ICD and the American College of Corporate Directors. His academic background includes a BSc in Mathematics from York University, and a MSc and PhD in Mathematics as well as an MBA from the University of Toronto.