
Marco Simone

In May 1993 I formed parker simone LLP with a longtime business associate, Gordon Parker. Since its inception, we developed its market niche of providing professional services to businesses around the globe including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa, South America and Asia. My strengths include providing our clients with audit, accounting and taxation services as well as overseeing the management of our business operations.

One of my unique abilities is working with our clients to assist in resolving their business issues. This strength has helped me in building our base of entrepreneurs and public company clients. Currently I serve as an engagement partner for several private enterprises, not-for-profits and public companies.

As part of managing the business, I also look for ways to improve efficiencies, including how we can effectively use technology to improve operations.

Outside of work, I enjoy Olympic trap shooting, going for long rides on by bicycle, high performance driving on race tracks, golf and downhill skiing.