Peter Tingling

Peter Tingling

Peter is the associate dean for undergraduate programs and an associate professor at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University where his research focuses on the analytics, rationality, ceremony and myths of managerial decision making.

An award winning professor, Peter is a frequent contributor to the popular press and academic outlets. Founder and CEO of a privately held decision science company, Octothorpe Software Corporation, Peter’s more than thirty year career has included extensive consulting engagements to startups, Fortune 500 companies, government, and premier sports organizations. career has included extensive consulting engagements to startups.

He has been quoted in the Financial Times (London), The Wall Street JournalFinancial PostThe Globe and Mail, CBC Radio and Television and the Strategic News Service, where he was referred to as “far seeing and insightful.” His “Moneyball” analytics presentation on the NHL draft with Dr. Brydon at the 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan Sports Analytics Conference was one of the top ten Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) sessions of the MIT conference.

Peter holds a PhD (organizational and technological decision making) from the Ivey Business School at Western University and an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Canadian Bankers and a Chartered Professional Accountant. He has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in strategy, operational risk, systems thinking, managerial accounting and numerous professional programs.