Priceela Pursun

Priceela Pursun

Priceela took on her current position at the Canada Revenue Agency in November 2016. She manages the GST/HST Large Business Audit Program by providing functional leadership, direction and oversight for audits of both domestic and non-resident large business entities with economic activity above $100M. Priceela is also responsible for technical guidance, training, and national audit policy for all GST/HST audit programs.

Prior to joining the CRA, Priceela worked at the Department of Finance in the Tax Legislation Division. Priceela occupied a number of progressively more senior positions there until she became the director of Deferred Income Plans and Coordination. In that role, Priceela was responsible for tax legislation and regulations applicable to pension and savings plans.

Priceela has both a law degree and a Master's in Legal Translation from the University of Ottawa, and a Bachelor of Economics from York University.