CPAs look at value creation through new lens

How do CPAs attribute and quantify value in ways that incorporate financial and non-financial information? Learn how Foresight: Reimagining the Profession is enabling CPAs to help their organizations do just that.

Man and woman peer through a wall of data

Traditional accounting based on transactions is inherently backward-looking. In today’s economy, CPAs need to apply measurement skills to support forward-looking decisions that create more value for their organization and stakeholders.

Organizations are not only judged on their financial performance, but how well they create long-term value from intangibles such as brands, relationships, data, and other forms of intellectual capital. Executives are challenged to make decisions that consider their organization’s impact on the natural environment, on its stakeholders, and on the communities within which it operates. 

This changing landscape provides present and future generations of CPAs with an opportunity, and duty, to help organizations shape their business models and operations to optimize value creation.  


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