Charts and graphs concept with the earth in the background all in blue

Modelling value creation in a data-rich world

Explore how CPAs can support their organization’s business decisions by designing modelling approaches that incorporate expectations about the future and help organizations anticipate and evaluate different financial and non-financial outcomes and impacts.

Value creation involves looking forward.

In The Way Forward, the Foresight vision calls for a transformed profession that moves beyond its traditional focus on financial transactions to place a new emphasis on value creation measured by broader financial and non-financial metrics, from the perspective of multiple stakeholders.

To enhance resiliency and stay ahead of competitors, organizations need insights to drive future outcomes that reduce risk and maximize value creation opportunities. CPAs are being called upon to do more forward-looking analysis that addresses multiple issues and incorporates uncertainty and a range of perspectives. Read this paper to understand the different factors to consider when designing and building models to transform data into meaningful insights that support forward-looking business decisions.