CPA Canada finds its new president and CEO

After an extensive search covering a large and diverse group of successful domestic and international business people working across all sectors of the economy, Joy Thomas, FCPA, FCMA has been named CPA Canada’s new president and CEO.
Joy Thomas is extremely well suited to the top job at the national professional body. Before becoming executive vice-president of CPA Canada, Thomas successfully steered CMA Canada, and CMA Alberta before it, as president and CEO. She worked together with current CPA Canada president and CEO, Kevin Dancey, FCPA, FCA to lead unification of the Canadian accounting profession, and oversaw the integration of Canada’s three national legacy bodies to form CPA Canada.

Prior to working within the profession she held positions as a CFO and controller across several sectors. Thomas is also a current member of the board of IFAC and Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd., where she recently completed a term as chair of the Audit Committee and led a governance review which resulted in the adoption of a new governance model for the financial planning global network.

Moving forward

Starting as CPA Canada president and CEO April 1, Thomas’ mandate will be to build on the solid foundation already established for CPA Canada, the fifth largest international accounting body. “My focus will be on working with the provinces and our members to strengthen CPA Canada’s relevance in local communities, elevate recognition of the value of members and the profession, and to ensure that CPA Canada is identified as a global leader in business and finance,” said Thomas.

Thomas replaces retiring president and CEO Kevin Dancey, FCPA, FCA. During 10 years spent first as president and CEO of CICA, and then CPA Canada, Dancey was instrumental in leading unification of the Canadian accounting profession as well as a number of other profession milestones including the transition to IFRS, creation of private company standards, the Enhancing Audit Quality initiative, and CPA Canada’s award winning Financial Literacy program which is helping new and established Canadians. During his 10-year career at CICA and CPA Canada, Dancey also served on the Advisory Panel on Canada’s System of International Taxation and development of the CRA-CPA Framework Agreement.

A more detailed story on CPA Canada’s new president and CEO will appear in the next issue of Member News, coming Mar 14, 2016.