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CPA Canada recognized for commitment to organizational excellence

CPA Canada is dedicated to continual improvement and building a high-performing, innovative organization that creates value for members and other stakeholders. The strength of our commitment was confirmed by Excellence Canada’s certification assessment.

On February 1, 2019, CPA Canada received notification from Excellence Canada  that, after a comprehensive review of the organization’s Going-for-Silver submission and on-site verification, certification at the Silver level in the Excellence, Innovation and Wellness® (EIW) standard was achieved.

“National recognition for an organization that is only six years old is impressive,” notes Joy Thomas, president and CEO, CPA Canada. “It puts us on a path to drive long-term organizational excellence, ensuring CPA Canada can better serve its members and other stakeholders now and into the future.”

Feedback from Excellence Canada noted many strengths and organizational best practices. Among them was praise for the organization’s excellent focus on governance and corporate social responsibility, and its commitment to building a collaborative and innovative culture through effective strategic planning and open communications. There was also recognition of strong leadership and passionate employees who are dedicated to their stakeholders, continual improvement and helping CPA Canada strive for excellence in all activities.


In July 2017, CPA Canada launched an enterprise-wide initiative to foster organizational excellence, formalizing this commitment through membership with Excellence Canada—a not-for-profit organization that specializes in the training, implementation, and certification of organizational excellence in Canada.

CPA Canada selected the EIW standard to launch and guide the organization’s excellence journey. The program consists of four levels—bronze, silver, gold and platinum—and allows for a progressive approach to excellence which reinforces and assists in sustaining a focus on excellence, innovation and wellness.

Based on best-in-class practices from around the world, the EIW program when implemented effectively will create value for CPA Canada in the form of reduced costs, higher revenue, improved processes and increased employee satisfaction.


CPA Canada is committed to excellence over the long term and will be pursuing all levels of certification under the EIW standard.

“We have achieved so much since CPA Canada’s excellence journey was initiated, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the entire staff,” says Lou Ragagnin, CPA Canada’s senior vice-president, Operations, and project sponsor. “We have now set our sights on achieving the Gold level certification to help strengthen organizational efficiency and effectiveness to deliver the best possible customer experience to all our stakeholders.”

Canada Awards for Excellence_2019 gold seal (English)