Denis Trottier discusses mental health.

A candid discussion about mental health with KPMG’s chief mental health officer

CPA Canada president and CEO Charles-Antoine St-Jean sits down at The ONE with KPMG chief mental health officer Denis Trottier to discuss the realities of managing our mental health.

Suffering with depression, Denis Trottier was ready to resign from his senior role at KPMG. Instead, the company offered him the position of chief mental health officer. Three years into this transformational role, Trottier sits down with CPA Canada president and CEO Charles-Antoine St-Jean to discuss the realities of mental health, including the effect it can have on your work and personal life, the pivotal moment of asking for help and the road to recovery.

“To an employee, I would say get help. Don’t be ashamed,” says Trottier. “The self-stigma is self-imposed…so reach out. And the sooner you reach for help, the sooner your recovery is going to start taking place and the sooner you’re going to bounce back. “

Watch the video.

Video thumbnail of expert interview.