A man sits in front of his computer with a large microphone
From Pivot Magazine

Growing your firm? This CPA has the answers to your questions

LinkedIn influencer Ryan Lazanis keeps his audience engaged by focusing on the information they’re looking for

A man sits in front of his computer with a large microphoneCPA Ryan Lazanis builds his content around frequently asked questions

Ryan Lazanis

Founder, Future Firm
Handle: N/A
Followers: 6,000
Location: Montreal, Quebec

After becoming a CPA in 2011, I launched Xen Accounting, one of Canada’s first fully online accounting firms. Today, I run Future Firm, which provides coaching and education to thousands of CPAs who want to fast-track their way to growing a modern, scalable and systematic accounting firm.

I first started using LinkedIn as a way to connect with potential clients and team members. When I started Future Firm, I began providing free content through a blog and podcast, as well as a weekly newsletter that goes out to more than 6,000 firm leaders. LinkedIn is a perfect extension of the kind of long-form educational style of content that my audience enjoys.

The general aim of my LinkedIn content is to give CPAs practical and actionable steps and frameworks to quickly build a modern firm. Coming up with the content is easy once you understand your market. All you need to do is listen to the questions people keep asking you, and then you just build content around those questions.

The reception has been great and it all comes down to my approach. Instead of using LinkedIn to sell, I use it as an opportunity to share content that's helpful for my audience. Because it's helpful, I get engagement with my content. It's not unusual for my best posts to generate more than 50,000 views. This in turn helps build awareness around myself and my brand, which is priceless.

Social media these days is far too narcissistic. Instead of talking about themselves, professionals should use a platform like LinkedIn to share their expertise to benefit others. LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for this because it's a network designed for professionals looking for career advancement or business growth. They need a ton of help getting there, which puts you in the perfect position to assist them.


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