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Not-for-profits: Request a financial literacy series

Lack of financial background along with tight budgets and limited personnel present unique financial literacy challenges for not-for-profit board members, directors and staff. Our no-cost, award-winning workshops are here to help.

Why not-for-profits?

  • limited budgets and staff resources mean not-for-profit board and committee members with non-financial backgrounds will often have to take on financial responsibilities for their organizations
  • in order to have the largest impact serving the community, it is necessary that the finances of not-for-profit organizations are managed as diligently as possible
  • not-for-profits allow those with common goals to gather in one place to create positive change

Why CPA Canada?

  • our award-winning Financial Literacy Program has sessions that are specifically targeted to equip not-for-profit directors and fundraising professionals with the necessary resources to effectively understand and manage their organization’s finances
  • the program also has sessions specifically created for workplaces, providing employees with education to improve their overall financial health
  • our unbiased, objective education sessions are delivered nationwide and at no cost
  • we will provide a CPA volunteer to deliver the presentation at your location

What we can do together

CPA Canada and your not-for-profit organization can work together to ensure board members and/or employees have the necessary knowledge to understand and oversee the organization’s finances. You can also utilize our sessions to help your employees, clients or members of the public work towards a bright financial future, whether it’s in their personal life, through family responsibilities or through work.

Session packages

We offer several sessions that are tailored for not-for-profits and we have combined some of our most popular sessions into easy-to-book series:

Request a series

CPA Canada uses this information for the purpose of setting up and coordinating financial literacy sessions for your organization. When necessary, CPA Canada will share this information with CPA volunteers for the purpose of performing this request. We will retain this information for as long as is necessary to fulfil this purpose. For more information and how CPA Canada processes your data, please refer to our privacy policy.