A laptop with a pen and a tablet on top, displaying business information the on tablet screen

CPA practitioners: Request a financial literacy series

Help your employees and clients better manage their financials by using our no-cost, award-winning workshops.

Why accounting practices?

  • clients view their accounting firms as a trusted place for financial information
  • learning financial tools directly related to small and medium businesses can help owners better manage their business
  • research shows that offering financial literacy in the workplace can increase overall job performance and lower stress levels, creating a more committed and successful workforce

Why CPA Canada?

  • our award-winning Financial Literacy Program offers sessions that are specifically targeted to help small business owners and managers maximize their business efforts
  • our workplace sessions are specially designed to educate employees on personal finance matters and work to improve their overall financial health
  • our unbiased, objective educational sessions are delivered nationwide and at no cost
  • if the sessions are not to be conducted by a CPA volunteer in your practice, we will provide a CPA volunteer to deliver the presentation at your host location

What we can do together

CPA Canada and your practice can work together to educate your employees or clients on a series of key business-related and personal finance topics. We can provide no-cost sessions from basic topics to more advanced topics, in order to effectively assist in many different stages of both business ownership and personal financial matters. 

Session packages

We offer several sessions relevant to your business-owning clients or your employees, and we have combined some of our most popular sessions into series.

Request a series

CPA Canada uses this information for the purpose of setting up and coordinating financial literacy sessions for your organization. When necessary, CPA Canada will share this information with CPA volunteers for the purpose of performing this request. We will retain this information for as long as is necessary to fulfil this purpose. For more information and how CPA Canada processes your data, please refer to our privacy policy.