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The Last Act: Closing the Book on Your Finances

Getting your final affairs in order is one of the most important steps you can take. Learn more about forming a complete financial plan.
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04005-CC-The-Last-Act-coverPeople of all ages procrastinate when it comes to writing their wills and organizing their information, complicating the process of settling their estate for their children, loved ones and beneficiaries. The Last Act provides easy-to-follow steps that make the process as simple and straightforward as possible. 

Trust and Estate Planner Kimberley Short, TEP, CFP, and Accountant Larry Short, CPA, CFP, combine their years of knowledge and experience to explain how to write a will, settle an estate, create a trust, and more, while helping to cut costs and unforeseen expenses along the way. Their experience working with families allows them to provide wisdom on defusing potential conflicts. Grieving a parent or loved one is difficult enough without the additional burden of complications that result from a lack of pre-planning.

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