photo taken at a CPA Canada event with CPA employees

Four reasons to get involved in tax at CPA Canada

Interested in teaching tax for CPA Canada? Or dedicating time on a tax committee? We asked winners at the recent Tax Faculty and Volunteer Appreciation event why it pays to get involved in tax.

CPA Canada’s Bruce Ball, vice-president, Tax (left) and Vivian Leung, lead principal, Tax, chat with guests at the 2nd Annual Tax Faculty and Volunteer appreciation event. 

On May 8, 2019, tax faculty, volunteers and recent In-Depth Tax Course graduates from across the country celebrated the accomplishments of their peers at CPA Canada’s second annual Tax Faculty and Volunteer Appreciation event. The room was buzzing with dedicated professionals, all with a passion for tax extending far beyond daily job demands. Here’s what a few of this year’s winners had to say about why others should contribute time to CPA Canada tax initiatives.

Learn through teaching

Kelly Kolke, a partner at Grant Thornton LLP, was recognized for teaching the Income Tax for the General Practitioner course for over 10 years. For Kelly, being an effective lecturer requires him keep abreast of tax issues and regulatory changes which benefit his own learning. “When you are providing your services as a tutor leader or a lecturer to your peers you need to develop a strong knowledge of the changes in tax law in order to provide relevant information,” Kolke says, “This need to increase my knowledge has impacted the advice I can provide to clients and the assistance I can provide to my colleagues.”

Another tax faculty member celebrating over ten years of teaching was Carl Ching, senior vice-president, Tax, at Brookfield Asset Management Inc. He echoes a similar appreciation for the education inherent in teaching others. “The time spent preparing for the various courses I taught is one of the best ways for me to get a technical refreshment on complicated tax matters,” he says.

Build connections

Another benefit of getting involved in tax is the opportunity to build a strong network of individuals who offer fresh perspectives from other tax areas. Ching continues, “Tax is very complicated. It is impossible for anyone to know everything. Broadening your network in tax is one of the best ways for a tax practitioner to identify other tax practitioners who specialize in a particular area where one may rely on their expertise.”

Expand your horizons

Sania Ilahi, a partner at EY and winner of the volunteer award, has a history of exceptional tax committee involvement that dates back to 2012. From the learning and development opportunities to the opportunities to connect with people in government, academia and other tax associations, Ilahi believes she’s gained far more than she’s given. “Being involved with tax at CPA Canada opens up opportunities to expand horizons that significantly enhance one’s personal and professional experience,” she says.

Matt MacAdam, partner and Nova Scotia Tax Service Line Leader at Grant Thornton LLP, was the winner of this year’s Jeff Jutzi award, which recognizes outstanding In-Depth Tax Course tutorial leaders. MacAdam shares similar sentiments about the rewards of giving back. “The personal rewards and benefits of becoming involved in tax initiatives in terms of professional and career development far outweigh any costs and the practitioner gains so much relative to the effort they invest.” 

Celebrate achievements

It is obvious that dedicating time for tax at CPA Canada has many benefits. In addition to the rewards of the experience itself, outstanding tax faculty and volunteers are recognized each year at the annual tax volunteer and faculty appreciation event. It’s a great opportunity to strengthen ties with fellow members of the tax community in Canada, celebrate the hard work of your peers and reflect on a job well done.

Learn more about teaching or volunteering for tax at CPA Canada.

Congratulations to this year's winners:

2017/18 Year 3 Project Award Winners

  • Linda Bouaban, KPMG LLP – CPA, CA
  • Nicolas Chaput, Uber Canada – LLB
  • Andrea Cheng, Targeted Strategies Limited – CPA, CA
  • Marco Fratarcangeli, Levy Pilotte – CPA, CGA
  • Denika Heaton, Manulife – BBA, JD, TEP
  • Marlin Miller, Collins Barrow Calgary LLP – CPA, CA 
  • Ryan Sahota, Pacific Chartered Advisors LLP – CPA, CA
  • Patrick Tchiengang, EY LLP – CPA, CA
  • Yvonne Wan Yu Ng, PwC LLP – CPA, CA

2018 Jeff K. Jutzi Tutor Award Winners

In-Depth Tax Program: In-Residence Tutorial Leaders

  • In-Residence 1: Jennifer Reid – CPA, CGA
  • In-Residence 2: Meghan Greene – CPA, CA
  • In-Residence 3: Matthew MacAdam – CPA, CA

2018 Volunteer Recognition Award

  • Sania Ilahi, MBA