Close up of business person working on a computer with image of shield with keyhole floating in front of screen.

Security notice for members: Possible phishing scheme

CPA Canada assures members it is not experiencing anything unusual with its website. Members are asked not to act upon suspicious emails that encourage a change of their CPA Canada password.

Given the high volume of member traffic to our website, we are taking immediate action to protect our members by ensuring they have correct information and do not act on suspicious emails.

Read the notification sent to all members on April 24, 2020:

We have been made aware of suspicious security email notifications members are receiving asking them to change their CPA Canada password due to a security breach on

We are told that these emails appear to originate from the IT department of the employer of the individual receiving the message. These emails suggest that their IT department suspects a cyber security compromise with the domain.

It is important that you do not act on the directions in any such email. CPA Canada continues to monitor the security of its web platform and is not experiencing anything unusual. In addition, the integrity of our password reset process remains secure.

We are informing you directly about these emails, given the large number of members who are visiting CPA Canada’s website.

CPA Canada is working with the RCMP Anti-Fraud Centre to obtain further information. We have filed a report with the centre and ask that if you receive one of these fraudulent emails, please report the incident to the RCMP’s Anti-Fraud Center through its online portal.