View of the back of a classroom chair looking to front of classroom

School: Request a financial literacy series

Educating students about money management at a young age can help prepare them for a successful financial future. Our no-cost, award-winning workshops were created to do just that.

Why schools?

  • schools are an ideal place for kids of all ages to learn the importance of making smart financial decisions
  • schools have the potential to help future generations work towards a bright future
  • many parents do not have the financial confidence to teach their children about money
  • the opportunity to invite an expert speaker into the classroom

Why CPA Canada?

  • our award-winning Financial Literacy Program helps students understand money matters, creating access to a bright financial future
  • our interactive activities, case studies and planned workshops are offered at no cost
  • we will provide a CPA volunteer to deliver the presentation at your host location

What we can do together

Together, CPA Canada and partner schools can address a significant social issue — lack of financial literacy. We can provide no-cost sessions to both elementary and high schools, which are specifically catered to their grade level. By educating today’s youth on money matters, we are equipping our country for a successful financial future.

Want to learn more?

Not sure which package is right for you?  Contact us to find out more information.

We also offer more than 40 sessions, view our full catalogue for more detail.

Hosting a session is easy, find out more about setting up a financial literacy session.

Ready to book a series?

We have combined our sessions based on grade levels to offer you the session series below.

Request a series

CPA Canada uses this information for the purpose of setting up and coordinating financial literacy sessions for your organization. When necessary, CPA Canada will share this information with CPA volunteers for the purpose of performing this request. We will retain this information for as long as is necessary to fulfil this purpose. For more information and how CPA Canada processes your data, please refer to our privacy policy.