International trade

Canada benefits from the improved participation and success of Canadian businesses in international markets. CPA Canada believes that growing and diversifying Canada’s international trade is essential for sustaining our prosperity.

International trade, ship at a cargo dock with cranes

Canada’s openness to trade has enabled it to build one of the most prosperous economies in the world, despite its relatively small population. In fact, one in five Canadian jobs is directly linked to exports. Trade is equivalent to more than 60 per cent of our annual GDP.

We are interested in improving the participation and success of Canadian businesses in international markets, particularly enabling the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises. We achieve this by:

  • supporting the negotiation of free trade agreements that open new markets to Canadian business
  • assisting Canadian trade negotiators to understand the interests and concerns of professional service providers

Our perspective is informed by CPAs who work in trade-intensive businesses, by our leadership role in the global accounting profession, and by our own experience as a provider of education services in several key international markets.

We are interested in ensuring that increased international trade results in greater prosperity for all Canadians – that it positively impacts our society, as well as our economy.


CPA Canada Submission on the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Mexico, July 2017