Young entrepreneur person building a business represented by wooden building blocks

20 questions not-for-profit organizations should ask: Recruiting, developing, assessing and renewing directors

This publication helps not-for-profits ensure their organization is well governed by directors with the right knowledge and experience, complemented with diverse viewpoints and fresh ideas.

Effective boards of not-for-profit organizations need the right mix of skills, experience, personal qualities, and diversity in their directors to steer their organization toward achieving its mission. Aiming for this mix provides the basis for finding the right directors for the role, enriching their skills and knowledge, and developing plans for their succession. To sustain their effectiveness, these boards also set processes for assessing their performance, following through on results, and reporting assessment outcomes to promote confidence among stakeholders.

This publication offers a practical guide to help directors establish processes for director recruitment, development, assessment, and renewal. These processes help ensure their organization is well governed by a group of directors with the right knowledge and experience, complemented with diverse viewpoints and fresh ideas.

You will learn about:

  • the recruiting process
  • orienting and developing directors
  • director assessments
  • renewing directors
  • disclosing governance practices to stakeholders

This publication is reviewed annually for relevance and accuracy.