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20 questions not-for-profit (NFP) directors should ask about mergers

Learn the major elements directors and senior leaders of NFP organizations should consider when contemplating a merger.

Difficult economic times, an increasingly competitive sector and the desire for greater effectiveness and impact drive some NFP organizations to explore mergers.

Our Corporate Oversight and Governance Board commissioned 20 Questions Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations Should Ask About Mergers to provide NFP directors and senior staff with a greater understanding of the issues involved in NFP mergers, and to assist boards in deciding if a merger is the best option. Thoughtful and careful analysis in the preliminary stages can reduce costs and increase the likelihood of success.

You will learn about:

  • evaluating a merger as a strategic option
  • exploring options: board oversight, unique organization characteristics, partner selection and stakeholder consultation
  • negotiating: establishing the process and timeline, due diligence and governance issues
  • implementation and evaluation

This publication is reviewed annually for relevance and accuracy.