Business person sitting at a laptop, looking out of highrise window at downtown skyline.

Introduction to value creation: Opportunities for CPAs

Join us to gain a deeper understanding of why value creation is important to CPAs and CPA Canada’s work in this area. Learn about insights from the work completed to date and what’s coming next.

In today’s economy, CPAs need to apply skills to support forward-looking decisions that create more value for their organization and stakeholders. Join us as we discuss what is meant by “value creation,” why CPAs should take a leadership role in this space, and what resources are available to help you succeed.

We will also discuss the role of data in value creation in the emerging digital economy and how CPAs can help measure the future value of investments in data, make effective management decisions about data and IP, and leverage resources to support their organization’s strategy.

Whether in the private, not-for-profit, or public sectors, CPAs will increasingly have a role and must use their foundational proficiencies in business expertise, judgment, skepticism, analysis and systems to help answer the question: What is data worth? As part of this webinar, we will also explore potential roles for CPAs in valuing data and some of the influential perspectives presented in the recently issued paper, “What is Your Data Worth: Insights for CPAs.”

Available June 22, 2021 – July 9, 2021: After completing this webinar, join Rob Mclean on our Digital Forum to ask questions, delve deeper into discussed topics, and voice your opinion on anything related to value creation.

  • what is value creation and why it is important
  • an overview of some recent and future CPA Canada activities related to value creation
  • an introduction to CPA Canada's Global Value Creation Solutions Directory, which is designed to help CPAs enhance their role in value creation decision-making
  • the increasingly important role of data in value creation in the digital economy and relevant considerations and approaches to assessing and measuring its value as presented in the paper "What is Your Data Worth: Insights for CPAs"

  • professionals interested in building future value for their organizations and stakeholders
  • professionals involved in making decisions and setting performance/operational targets
  • professionals looking for the next steps in transforming the CPA profession

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