Collage of new CPAs featured in story
From Pivot Magazine

Introducing the next generation of CPAs

They’re agile, plugged-in and hungry to make a difference. Meet five up-and-coming, newly minted accountants

Collage of new CPAs featured in storyTop row (From left to right): Murjanat Dambatta, Carter Wilson; Bottom row (From left to right): Joshua Faier, Nicole Hosler and Philippe Sénécal

For decades, many new accountants were determined to land a job at a big firm, work hard and inch their way up the ladder to success. But the next generation has different dreams in mind. Maybe it’s the freedom afforded by new technology, or the crop of new industries shaking up the business world, or even the global pandemic that’s transformed the way we work. Whatever it is, a well-paying, steady job isn’t enough anymore. This new cohort wants flexibility. They want meaning. They want to change the world. 

Rosemary Venne, a retired professor at the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan, researches demographic patterns and how they affect the labour market. Even before the pandemic, Venne says, there was a rise in individualism among Gen Z and millennial workers. “People value personal autonomy and agency,” Venne explains. “They expect to have greater input and influence over their work.” They’re also more vocal than previous generations—and by speaking up, young CPAs are able to help modernize their organizations, pushing their firms to invest in new systems and technology, like automation and cloud-based software

And then there are the CPAs who are leaving traditional employers altogether, choosing to work in new fields like AI, cryptocurrency and virtual reality—spheres where they can help build an industry from the ground up. These might be high-risk moves, but they offer big rewards. Many of these jobs come with increased flexibility: the opportunity to work when and where you want. And post-COVID, many CPAs will choose to keep working from home, at least sometimes. According to a PWC survey, only one in five employees want to go back to their workplace full time. The pandemic is making all of us take stock of our desires and make big decisions. Many young accountants will come out of the pandemic realizing that satisfaction outweighs stability.

We spoke to five newly minted CPAs, working in big firms and industry, about their professional goals, new specialties and the post-pandemic future of accounting.

Age 26/Toronto
Senior financial analyst, Fire & Flower

CPA designation: February 2020
Specialization: cannabis and retail

“A lot of people think accounting is a boring job. But I’m definitely not bored at work.”

Age 25/ Winnipeg
Senior associate, MNP

CPA designation: March 2021
Specialization: Indigenous accounting

“If I had my way, there would be hundreds of First Nations CPAs. That’s what we need.”

Age 27/Edmonton
Senior accountant, KPMG

CPA designation: 2019
Specialization: audit data analytics

“Automation will eliminate mundane tasks and give CPAs time in their day for more exciting work”

Age 26/Longueuil, Que.
Manager of transformation, finance and operations at Intact

CPA designation: November 2018
Specialization: IT and accounting

“I think we’ll see more jobs like mine, because more businesses are adopting new technologies.”

Age 29/Montreal
Director of finance, Sprout Therapy

CPA designation: September 2017
Specialization: tech

“In the startup space, you get thrown into things. Every day is different.”


Even though the pandemic continues, 2021 will be the year for accountants to demonstrate their exceptional versatility.

Also, delve into insights emerging from CPA Canada’s strategic initiative, Foresight: Reimagining the Profession, and learn what the future holds for accounting.